Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1993 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
21/01/2008 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Знак "За заслуги в области Образования РК" |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Силлабус НМПВКГ - з.о. |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Задания на семинары Нотариат |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Закон_О лицензировании |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
ИнстрДелРус |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Инструк7рус |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Инструк7рус |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Кодекс чести нотариуса |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
лицензир |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
ПРавилаАттестации |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Право ИС_Судариков С.А_Учебник_2008 -368с |
Notary in Internationl and Domestic Law of the RK |
Программа стажировки |
Scientific Writing |
СилScieWriКаз |
Scientific Writing |
СилScieWriКаз |
Scientific Writing |
Задания по дистанционке |
Scientific Writing |
СилScieWriКаз |
Scientific Writing |
Задания по дистанционке |
Scientific Writing |
SWкумод |
Diplomatic and Consular Law |
СилДКПказ2014 |
The Theory of International Private Law |
ТМЧПКраткий конспект лекций |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research |
ОПНИсил |
The Theory of International Private Law |
Силлабус по ТМЧП - 2013 |
The Theory of International Private Law |
ТМЧПлитература |
Theoretical Problems of Modern Public International Law |
УМКД - Теорет.проблемы совр. МП - 2013 |
International Public Law |
Силлаб МП |
Law-Enforcement Agencies in RK |
силлабус - правоох органы |
Law-Enforcement Agencies in RK |
лекции-правоохр. |
Law-Enforcement Agencies in RK |
силлабус - правоох органы |
Law-Enforcement Agencies in RK |
Вопросы итог. контроля Правоох.орг |
Law of International Treaties |
силлПМД |
Law of International Treaties |
План семинарских занятий |